Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Joy That Is San Francisco

I am sitting here, typical Sunday... load of laundry in, laptop on lap, TV on, Casey napping by my feet....  yes, very typical Sunday...playing around on the Internet.  My goal today was to find all kinds of fun things to do in August and September in the Bay area. Wow!  I cannot believe how much fun stuff (much of it FREE) there is to do!?

Here is a sample:
Alley art fairs
Farmer's markets
Movies in Parks
Drive-In movies
Wine events (go figure)
Cooking events (a girl's gotta eat!)
Comedy shows
Boat trips

So much and so little time. Just recently, I finished rounding out July (and some of August) and now I am ready to move onto the next few months.

July has....

Trying new restaurants in the East Bay (thanks Jennifer!)
More wine events (thanks Jen!)
Concerts (thanks Vanessa and Rudy!)
And, of course, relaxation in Park City (thanks mountains!)

All of this, while I travel tons for work.  As you know, no travel this past week- but tons of work travel to come for the next 8 weeks. Nature of the job- hence the reason I love to plan as much "fun stuff" on weekends as possible.

In the words of the Bay area band "Train"..... thanks to the Bay... "Save me, San Francisco"! Yes, you do.
It's expensive here, but how can you NOT love it!? :) And remember, much of this is FREE!

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