Sunday, November 27, 2011

Red Velvet

I have one thing to say today... well, 2...

Did you know that Chili's has a super delicious molten chocolate cake? Well, they do. AND did you know that for the holiday season, they have a RED VELVET version? Yep. Sure do. Wow. I can barely contain my excitement. I was too full to indulge while having lunch at Chili's yesterday, but I am anticipating a visit very soon...


2nd quick thought... I am such a sucker for the cheesy holiday movies. Lifetime. Hallmark. USA. TBS. You name it- I love the movies. Right now, since work is done for the weekend, I am having a really hard time deciding between 2 flicks on at the same time. That is my Sunday evening drama.

That is all for today.
May your Cyber Monday be successful tomorrow.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

So Thankful this Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone in blogland!

I love seeing all of the "thankful" messages on Facebook today. Mine is no different. While I sit here in Park City in my sweats, with a hot cup of coffee, the fireplace going strong, watching a cheesy holiday Lifetime movie... and relax until going to work at 11PM, I am very, very thankful for...

* The most wonderful family- the best Mom & Dad I could ask for and a brother who I am very lucky to have live with me in California (we are all little strange, but makes us love one another even more!)

* The cutest little feisty calico kitty, Casey, in the whole wide world.. can't believe my baby is 11 years old!

* Overall general good health for myself and those I love

* The love of a guy who keeps me smiling and having fun every day (in our own little way)

* Friends and extended family of all ages to visit all across the country

* An amazing job at Best Buy that I love every single day (well, ALMOST every day!)

* True faith and spirituality to guide me through life

* Multiple gym memberships to keep healthy, sane and have fun exercising

* TV, cable, DVDS, Netflix and Redbox

* New fashions every season

* In Style and US Weekly magazines

* Wonderful charities that support the less fortunate

* The beaches and the ocean

* Starlit skies

* Soft falling snow

* Mom's baked goods

* Southwest airlines

* The hope for another Sex & the City film... 3rd times a charm?

* Sundance Film Festival

* Tropical vacations

* The overall joy for life and the people in it

Today, these are a few of the things I continue to be thankful for.
May everyone have a special day and continued holiday filled with peace, love and joy.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Pedicures & OPI

There is not much better than a really, really good pedicure. Warm water, a massage chair, leg & foot massage, and OPI polish in fun colors all that result in pretty tootsies for under $30.

Yes, sometimes one can find a bad pedicure joint, but if they are clean- they are generally good. My faves are Bolinger Nail Spa in San Fran east bay and Solar Nail Spa in Park City. Both have really good massage chairs. That is a bonus.

I needed one today (try for every month or so)- I headed on out to Bolinger on this rainy Sunday. Flavor of the day- Strawberry Margarita, of course by OPI. My. Toes. Look. Amazing. and shiny.

What I also like: when they don't go overboard trying to sell you the "upgrades" salt scrub, foot mask, etc. Offer once and move on. Yes, they do need to offer- but just once.

That is all for today. Very content with my fresh and pretty feet. And I really do love OPI polish.

Friday, November 18, 2011

What's on the Mind of a Sick Girl

When I say sick, I mean ill or not feeling well.. I do not mean demented. So, with a bug in me.... mind a bit a skew, here is what occupied my mind this week:

Why is it that women feel the need to talk on the phone in a public bathroom in a stall on a toilet? That is just simply disgusting. I will never understand this one.

I do also do not understand censorship on TV. FX to be exact. They can show the creep factor of American Horror Story and Nip/Nuck, but they replace "practicing kissing on your girlfriends" with "practice kissing on your pillow friends" and they completely cut out a girl-on-girl kiss. Makes no sense to me at all.

How does "medium" at some steakhouses means bright red and others means no red at all? Inconsistent. And hard to order. But I still do.

People take their Southwest airlines free drink coupons very seriously. Simply put: they no longer take the old ones; they only take the new ones with expiration dates. Deal with it. They are free.

Sangria is not tasty at all Mexican joints. Most; just not all.

Animal prints are still; in fashion this season. Don't like it, but they are.

Yes, they do market and see Twilight hairbrushes. For real.

It really sucks to be not able to exercise for 5 days when you are not feeling well.

I am really, really excited to watch Revenge, Up All Night, Parenthood, Hart of Dixie and 2 Broke Girls this weekend. I have many shows to watch, but those are the highlights. Excited!

If it ever stops raining, I will clean the grill this weekend. Not fun, but necessary.

I love it when the super thick December issue of In Style magazine arrives in the mail. Today was the day. Yeah!

Ok, time for Private Practice, some ice cream and a candle or 2. Bye.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Liking the Customer Service

If you read yesterday, you saw that I am dealing with a bout of the stomach flu. It has surpassed the 24 hours and we are now going onto 48 hours... Much better today, but still not great. I have been sucking down Pedialyte (gotta save those electrolytes) all day. This morning I had a banana. It stayed down. I just had some chicken noodle soup... has stayed down. First things to stay down since Friday night. I hope I am on a roll now.

Yesterday I never left the house. Today, while not 100% better, I was going stir crazy and had to run a few brief errands. I must say customer service over the weekend has been great.

First, since I was "couch ridden", I decided to book all my December work hotel stays at Hiltons. Somehow, I made a mistake and booked for last night rather than December. When I tried to cancel- they said, sorry- time has expired and I must pay for it! Really? So I called the 800 number, they heard my store and canceled the room. Nice. Easy.

Today, I ran to Walmart and Home Depot. Now, first I must say... I despise Walmart. I only go when there are things I really must have that cost much more elsewhere. Well, and also because there is no Target in Park City. We need a Target. So, Walmart.... bought the 4 things I needed and the cashier was the friendliest cashier I have encountered in quite some time. She made me smile. Then to Home Depot to return the (wrong) garbage disposal and exchange a kitchen faucet. I did not have my receipt. No questions- just a very easy simple process. Smooth. Loved it.

I must say between Hilton, Walmart (gross) and Home Depot, I was a pleased customer this weekend. Now if my stomach flu could be as accomodating. Please.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Positive Thinking

If there is one thing in the world I detest it's the 24 hour stomach flu. I know there are debates that state there is no such thing, but I am here to tell you.... it exists. I get it about once every other year and it's absolutely miserable. Approximately 24 hours of non-stop puking (yes, I know... not the visual you wanted) and feeling like a Mac truck drove over your entire body.

For me, I started a blissful evening last night with Mr Big.... a usual Park City night of wonder that I look forward to every other week or so and after 6 hours, it hit. Like a bomb. Either that, or the sushi we had for dinner, but I do believe I know the difference between food poisoning and stomach flu. Or at least I hope.

It is now 1PM and here is what I am thinking: this stomach flu is going to help me drop a few pounds. Nothing I can do about it, simply just aiding in my weight loss plan. And because I am such a ridiculously high-strung woman, this will force me to relax today which I truly have a very tough time accomplishing on a regular basis. No cleaning. No errands. No work. Just couch and TV. Right now, it's the BBC DVD series "The Mistresses". Don't ask me why- just sounded intriguing. And thus far it surely is.

So, THINK POSITIVE. There is a light at the end of every tunnel- even the stomach flu deep, dark, gross tunnel: weight loss, cleansing, relaxation and crazy TV shows. With that, I may try some water and an apple for the first time in 18 hours. An apple a day keeps the doctor away, right???

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Lazy Saturday

When the retail holiday season is here, and I travel (most weeks) all week, it is really nice to have a Saturday with absolutely nothing I have to do (except exercise, of course!), I love, love, love to simply do the things that are not "necessity", but just plain "nice to have" for this overly- organized girl to do.

Here is my plan on this shiny, happy (enter R.E.M. lyrics here) Saturday:

Wash the sheets
Call and/or email some friends
Pay some bills for December (yes, getting ahead of the game)
Plan the "Holiday Agenda" (when to order Christmas cards, send cards, get the tree, etc.)
Go to grocery store to stock up on fresh fruits & veggies
Pumice my heels (no gross, nasty heels here... even in cold weather, ladies)
Catch up on 45 hours (yes, I really did say 45 hours) of DVR shows from October
Polish the silver Tiffany jewelry
Do a home facial
Update my blog.. obviously :)
Work on my "Christmas Gift List" (both mine for Mom and what I will buy others!)
Make sure all the pots/pans and Tupperware have the proper matching lids (yes, I am that anal)
Cuddle with Casey

Good? Ya... that should do it. And it's only 10AM and I have completed more than 3/4 of what is on this list already this morning... I guess that means lots of luxurious couch cuddling and DVR watching while eating fruit for me today... ahhh....

Love it.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Move Over Halloween; Welcome Festive Holidays

Halloween was fun... I was disappointed that between the hour of 6-7PM I did not get even 1 Trick or Treater, nor did Jarrod get any after I left, but I did have a great dinner with my best friend Andi when she was in town for work. I loved watching the kiddos in their costumes as I drove to dinner. So cute!

But some pasta and sangria made the night grand- oh- and the big, huge bowl of Reeses and Kitkats are going to the office community candy dish. After I have a few.

Now... onto bigger and better things. Let the festivities of Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's begin! What I love most right now, the "limited edition stuff" that comes out for a short time every year. Think Gingerbread Lattes from Starbucks and Peppermint Stick ice cream. Can you say yum!? My fave thus far... just found them yesterday... STACY'S GINGERBREAD PITA CHIPS. Oh- and healthy too. So yummy.

I am feeling festive. It could be the chill in the air, the pumpkin candle I'm burning, the fire in fireplace.... ummm... probably not the AMERICAN HORROR STORY from FX that I am watching on DVR right now... So very, very creepy I must say.

So, It's beginning to feel alot like Christmas... at least for the next 2 months. Lovin' ya November and December.