Saturday, July 28, 2012

Olympics and More Olympics

Oh, how I love a little competition.  And right now, that competition is the Summer Olympic games!  For me, specifically women's gymnastics and men's swimming- those are my faves. Just hunkered down to watch a little swimming tonight- and some men's team gymnastics while I am at it.  I guess I can take in a little beach volleyball too :)  How can you not be a fan of Misti May and Kerri?

But, women's gymnastics has my heart. So fun. Later this week. 
But another thing I LOVE about Park City.... the Summer skiers on the jumps into the water are fun to watch- and even cooler WHILE the actual Summer games are going on in London. Wow.  So cool.  Watched some with Mom & Dad while they visited last Summer, but these were better and special due to the Olympics taking place. A little winter games protrayed in the Summer in Park City. Gotta love it.

I was in Minnesota (can you say hot & humid!?) the past 2 weeks and now relaxing in Park City before I head to LA (or Newport Beach to be exact) for the week for work.  Right now-
Workout- check
Massage- check
Skiers- check
Now.... sitting on the couch, wine in hand, and Olympics games night 1 on the TV.  Thanks for hosting, Bob Costas.

That's all for now. Enjoy the games.  Enjoy your weekend.
Go USA!!!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Perfect Weekends!

When I travel most of the week for work (So Cal last week and on the plane- thanks Delta for the 1st class!- to Minneapolis right now for this coming week), I sure like to take advantage of fun and/or relaxation on the weekends. This past (current) weekend was no exception.  This was one the good ones!

Friday night- tasty, healthy dinner at a new restaurant in Walnut Creek with my friend Jennifer followed by the eye-candy of "Magic Mike" on the silver screen. Yum (both the food and the movie!)

Saturday day- sleep in, exercise, watch TV, do "stuff"around the house.....   just lazy enough

Saturday night- Wine country; in this case last minute change of plans for an evening of cocktails and dinner at The Carneros Inn on Old Sonoma Highway- with my friend Jen (yes, Friday was Jennifer and Saturday was Jen).  Superb!

Sunday- exercise and prep to head to Minnesota for the week. While I don't really care to fly on Sunday for work, the good news is the opportunity to have dinner with another friend, Kari, upon arrival. Makes cutting the weekend short worthwhile.

Perfect combo weekend of everything I love!  And great company too. While I may complain a tad about having to travel so much for work, it really makes me NOT take advantage of the free time on the weekends.  Makes life worth living- and living it WELL!

I hope your weekend is just a grand!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Joy That Is San Francisco

I am sitting here, typical Sunday... load of laundry in, laptop on lap, TV on, Casey napping by my feet....  yes, very typical Sunday...playing around on the Internet.  My goal today was to find all kinds of fun things to do in August and September in the Bay area. Wow!  I cannot believe how much fun stuff (much of it FREE) there is to do!?

Here is a sample:
Alley art fairs
Farmer's markets
Movies in Parks
Drive-In movies
Wine events (go figure)
Cooking events (a girl's gotta eat!)
Comedy shows
Boat trips

So much and so little time. Just recently, I finished rounding out July (and some of August) and now I am ready to move onto the next few months.

July has....

Trying new restaurants in the East Bay (thanks Jennifer!)
More wine events (thanks Jen!)
Concerts (thanks Vanessa and Rudy!)
And, of course, relaxation in Park City (thanks mountains!)

All of this, while I travel tons for work.  As you know, no travel this past week- but tons of work travel to come for the next 8 weeks. Nature of the job- hence the reason I love to plan as much "fun stuff" on weekends as possible.

In the words of the Bay area band "Train"..... thanks to the Bay... "Save me, San Francisco"! Yes, you do.
It's expensive here, but how can you NOT love it!? :) And remember, much of this is FREE!

Friday, July 6, 2012

Stories from a Crazy Traveler

As you know, I usually travel on average every week of every month- at least once. Sometimes just an overnight trip, sometimes several days in a row and once an awhile for weeks at a time. This week, July 4th week, I had the luxury of being at home the entire week.  I arrived home Monday evening and don't fly again until this coming Monday afternoon. 6 entire days and 7 nights in a row in my own bed.  Lucky me.

Of course I still had to work, but I also got a TON of personal stuff accomplished before work, on lunch breaks and on the nights I did not work super late:
Downloaded Ereader books
Downloaded pictures
Had some jewelry repaired
Dropped of some dry cleaning (and picked it up in the same week!)
Went to the bank
Got a mammogram
Went to the chiropractor
Hand washed some sweaters
Donated blood (or will be soon)
Hair cut and colored (again, will soon... the week is not over yet)

Pretty decent list if I do say so myself. Is this how the "normal" people live and get things done?  I know I am a bit kooky, but it's my life.
I know people with kids who work believe they have it hardest. I believe those of us who are single. travel for work non-stop and are never home to get things done have it even harder.  Just sayin'.

Ok, done ranting. Time to relax. To-do list is complete.  For awhile.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4th of July

Happy "America's Birthday" to everyone.... I am quite pleased that the weather is perfect in the Bay area.... one of the few across the country with record-breaking heat everywhere else. Stay cool people!

Not much planned here today.... a little work, maybe a hike, relaxing with my kitty, catching up on DVR TV, downloading some EReader books (No, Fifty Shades of Grey... been there, done that... and was pleased, I might add, but on to others- I am quite into celebrity biographies these days), and of course, what 4th would be complete without a little BBQ.   Meat is marinating now. Yum.

But, as I relax, I am thinking about my how fun the 4th weekends were as a kid.  Summers and 4th weekends at the lake cabin in Minnesota.
* Water skiing and tubing
* Pot luck meals (love the red, white & blue food such as jello salads, cakes, etc.)
* Wine coolers (yes, that is what I said- you did not read it wrong)
* Fireworks that are pretty darn impressive when shot off by relatives on the lake and don't cost $1 million
* Always getting a little sun burn (ok, now as I pray for now wrinkles or skin cancer, I wish I would have been better on this one.. don't we all wish we had listened!?)

Fun times.  Along with Labor Day weekend.  And Memorial Day weekend.  Labor Day was always my fave due to Grandpa's hayrides, but the 4th came in a close second. 
Now, as an adult, especially when the 4th is on a Wednesday and not tied to a weekend as well as working retail when stores are open, I am just fine with low key and hoping I have enough energy to make it out to watch fireworks in some city park at dusk.

Reminiscing about fun childhood times, I am just fine watching Casey nap (what's new), watching the season finale of "The Big Bang Theory" (yes, I am behind) and playing around on my laptop until I decide to actually get up and do something that requires getting dressed.  Plus, my excuse it work calls and emails keep coming in and I cannot let folks down :)

I am thankful for my freedom.  Thanks America, soldiers and our founding Fathers.
Happy 4th of July to all.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Expect the Unexpected

I cannot believe it.  I was in Seattle for 3 days this week and it was mostly sunny and beautiful the entire time.  I know the rain is what makes the Emerald City "green", but I LOVED being there when it was bright with sunshine.  Good work done. Great dinners had.  Sunshine enjoyed.  (Although could have been warmer than 65 degrees- not complaining though).

Then off to Utah. Hotter that Heck.  For real. Wow.  And the worst part?  My A/C in my Park City condo died.  Good news?  Central Air guy was already here for someone else, so fixed before I melted working from home all day.  Soooo much better.

Batting 2 for 2 thus far.

Worked for 14 hours on Friday.  Then watched the Olympic trials for women's gymnastics.  Fun.
After traveling all week and working 14 hours straight on Friday, felt justified for more relaxation on Saturday and Sunday. 
Repeat (without the spa today)
Oh- and of course- a little, just a tad, work sprinkled in both days- I just cannot get away.  I know I have issues.

Anyway, good news is on a roll for now.  Sunshine. Repairs. I will take what I can get.
Oh- and stop the Colorado and Utah fires please.
Ok, thanks.