Sunday, January 1, 2012


A new one begins again... Welcome 2012!

2011 was a good one. Many highlights.... a few low lights, but it's always good when the highs are much greater than the lows.

A few of the good...

Abundance of amazing family and friends
A wonderful job that I love
Super fun vacations--- Sundance, Florida, and Cabo San Lucas to name a few
Maintaining my weight (yeah!)
Adding lots to my savings account while also taking care of a few "wanted" household jobs
A fun, albeit unconventional, love life
Splitting time between the Bay area and Park City
The best little kitty in the world who loves me unconditionally

All in all, great year. But...

As I have said before, I am not one for "Resolutions". I always feel just a healthy, controlled lifestyle is better. That is what I strive for, however, that does not mean improvements are not welcome.

With that, not a resolution, BUT I am going to try several new things this year. Not a bucket list, but just simple things. I would like to see if I can try at least one new thing every week- maybe more. Let's see how it goes... here we go. I am starting with cooking butternut squash tonight. Love it. Eat it. Just have never cooked it on my own unless it came pre-chopped. Simple, but new to me.

Happy New Year world!

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