Friday, June 8, 2012

Work, Work, Work

I have been working so much the past 3 weeks I have been very much neglecting my blog. Sorry blog. Working every single day. Lack of sleep. Always on an airplane. Not a ton of fun. This is why I am so excited to have a (fairly) open weekend to relax, hopefully hang a bit by the pool and drink some wine with friends. So necessary. Here is what happens when I work too much: I get a cold (hate sniffles). My beauty regimine slacks (I shall not go into detail here to avoid the obvious). I get feisty and kinda bitchy. Poor Casey misses her mama. I cannot keep a happy schedule to save my life. Some things just simply get missed. The good news is... Since I am a crazy, ridiculously organized gal, not much gets missed. In most cases, more gets done and sometimes things get done over-the-top because I am a tad bit anal. True. So, the last 3 weeks... (aside from work of course) A nice Memorial Day weekend. Lots of travel time to see friends in MN. Enjoying some good food (although wayyyyy too many calories and cocktails) due to the travel. Birthday with Mom. Ok. Not so bad. Work will still be very busy for the next several weeks. Time to focus on the fun stuff and think positive. Now time for some Chinese food and wine! Ta-Ta!

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