Saturday, June 12, 2010

Epi-Lasek Eye Surgery

I finally did it!!!

I have wanted Lasik for YEARS, but was told it was not "conducive" to my eye structure, so I waited..... Went back after a few years and found out about Epi-Lasek (pronounced Lay-seek). It works for me! Yippee!!!

Here is the difference (from what I was told- please don't think I am the SME here):
* Lasik cuts a flap in your eye (gross) to fix the vision; tougher process, but immediate recovery
* Lasek uses a laser to scrape (gross again, but not as gross as an eye flap!) the cornea to fix the vision; easier process, but longer recovery

I had eye #1 (they do each eye one month about for recovery time) done yesterday and so far so good. About 10 minutes after the 3 minute procedure (but 1 hour prep to get to the 3 minute surgery), I was SUPER SENSITIVE to the light, but no pain- just crazy and loopy from the Valium and Vicodin they had me take right after. Got home, went to bed for 2 hours, woke up and sensitivity was gone, stayed up for 1 hour, went back to bed for another 2 hours, woke up for another hour to hang with my bro and watch Nurse Jackie (oh wait... LISTEN to NJ as I was not supposed to strain my eyes with TV or a computer yesterday), and went back to bed for the night for 8 hours. Woke up this morning feeling GREAT! Just a little blurry.

After my follow-up this morning, doc says my current vision is 20/40- just blurry- but should be 20/20 to 20/10 within 2 weeks. Yeah!!! And just wearing a contact in the other eye until my next surgery in July.

Wow- is this cool. So amazing. So glad I did it.

The only thing I have to do for the next few weeks is use 5, yes 5, different eye drops and take some antibiotics for 1 week to avoid infection. Not bad.

If you are considering doing some sort of laser eye vision improvement surgery, I highly recommend it. Just one thing: DON'T look for a deal. People, these are your EYES! You only have 2 and can't get more. Find a reputable surgeon and get it done.

Happy Seeing!

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