Sunday, June 24, 2012

Oodles of Fun Stuff

Sitting here on my couch a cool, breezy Sunday evening, after a very productive weekend, thinking about all kinds of fun, mindless stuff for the Summer to come. 

First, productive.... I was so productive this weekend, I am not sure what to do with myself.
July birthday cards prepared
Garden watered
House (reasonably) cleaned
Bills paid
Extra house keys made
Pedicure and manicure
Phone calls returned
Grocery staples purchased
Car washed
Home facial
Yep, I think I am caught up once again.  Feels good.
Plus extra sleep, TV, hike with a friend, dinner with a friend, hang time with my little brother.  Not bad for 2 days.

But, now I am watching the Fox (TV) 25th Anniversary show.... thinking about the oldies but goodies of my generation that are being remembered... 90210, Ally McBeal, The OC.....  Makes me think of the shows these days that I so enjoy and have blogged about prior... Did you know???...

American Horror Story
New Girl
According to People Magazine, those were the "must see" for this past TV season.  I would agree on all but Smash. Just was not a fan. This coming from a MAJOR Marilyn fan too. Good for Summer reruns.

Makes me start to think about films too.
Magic Mike
People Like Us
Some good movies coming out June 29.... this Friday. Looks like the pre-summer movie slump may be over soon.  I am game for a good flick. And some hot popcorn.

And then there are a few Summer concerts.
Sheryl Crowe
Colbie Cailaitt
And many more I am sure I will miss.  But I can always catch a few on "Today" and "GMA" on TV.

Trips to wine country
London Olympics
Visits with friends across the country

Yep, looks like a fun-filled Summer. As a matter of fact, it officially just started 3 days ago, so I guess we are good to go for the next few months of warm weather and joyful activities.
Work will be hard, but I WILL be playing even harder. I promise.
Welcome to my exhilarating Summer o'fun!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Rewards for Rewards

I confess that I got a bit carried away with eating the past several weeks.... OK months.  I used my birthday, vacation and super busy with work and travel as excuses to eat as long as I was exercising. Enough is enough.  I know better than that.  I am "satisfied" with my body, but not "happy" with my body so time to get back in gear.

First, I know I feel better when I eat better AND work out.  Second, feeling better about my body is reward enough. However.... the reward is even better with more reward. I will reward my reward.

My ultimate goal is to lose 25 pounds.  If I go down 20, that is where I was at when I was at my best 2 years ago.  If I get there, I would be satisfied.  If I drop the 25, I will ecstatic.  That is the overall goal.

Here is what I decided.  Short term and long term goals. I made these decisions:

1- If I stuck it out for 1 week and dropped even 1 pound, I would reward myself with the new Kate Spade purse I have been eyeing (reward received this week!)
2- If I loose 10 pounds, I get a pair of shoes of my choice from Foot Candy (no price limit....OK, less than $700)
3- If loose 20 pounds, I get to spend the Tiffany gift card for lots of money that I have been holding on to for quite some time
4- If I get to the ultimate goal of 25 pounds, it's time for a shopping spree of new clothes... no holds bar!

See? The reward is the weight loss and health improvement and I will reward the reward.  Love it.
So far so good.  So far I love the warm weather, healthier food and continued exercise. 
Off for the weekend.....  see ya.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Work, Work, Work

I have been working so much the past 3 weeks I have been very much neglecting my blog. Sorry blog. Working every single day. Lack of sleep. Always on an airplane. Not a ton of fun. This is why I am so excited to have a (fairly) open weekend to relax, hopefully hang a bit by the pool and drink some wine with friends. So necessary. Here is what happens when I work too much: I get a cold (hate sniffles). My beauty regimine slacks (I shall not go into detail here to avoid the obvious). I get feisty and kinda bitchy. Poor Casey misses her mama. I cannot keep a happy schedule to save my life. Some things just simply get missed. The good news is... Since I am a crazy, ridiculously organized gal, not much gets missed. In most cases, more gets done and sometimes things get done over-the-top because I am a tad bit anal. True. So, the last 3 weeks... (aside from work of course) A nice Memorial Day weekend. Lots of travel time to see friends in MN. Enjoying some good food (although wayyyyy too many calories and cocktails) due to the travel. Birthday with Mom. Ok. Not so bad. Work will still be very busy for the next several weeks. Time to focus on the fun stuff and think positive. Now time for some Chinese food and wine! Ta-Ta!