Monday, February 9, 2009

What the heck is an Amuse Bouche anyway???

What is an Amuse Bouche? Sounds like... a-mooz boosh? Ya? My education on this "thing" comes from a Friends episode years back when Monica makes an amuse bouche for a potential client (I think it was a very high Jon Lubitz?) and when she serves it to Chandler to sample, he says, "It's amoozing". Huh. I guess you had to be there to catch the humor.

Anyway, according to Webster's- An Amuse Bouche is a tiny bite-sized morsel of food traditionally served prior to the first course of a meal. Who really serves these things anyway? Well, I for one have experienced 3 servings at recent meals.

1- Frida in Cabo San Lucas about 6 months ago (some sort of seafood)

2- Lucy in Denver about 3 months ago (can't remember but it was yummy)

3- Level 3 in San Francisco this past weekend (well...)

This is where the question and answer begins...

While at dinner, at Level 3 with a group of 6, we were all surprised by the serving of an "amuse bouche". Here is the fun part... WHAT IS IT??? SEE THE PICTURE.. CAN YOU TELL???

Turd dipped in powder?

Dog food sitting in ketchup?

Rotten Cheeto?

Ok... Times up. It's a date dipped in coconut with some sauce. Interesting...

Anyway, half the table thought it was tasty while the other half thought it was disgusting. I simply thought it was entertaining. Enough to create a blog all its own.

Here's to an amoosing week!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Let's Talk Superbowl

Biggest day of the year in sports, huh? My question is this...

If I do not live in Pennsylvania nor Arizona and I am not a fan of the Steelers nor the Cardinals, who do I cheer for???

Do I cheer for the Steelers because a friend is a huge fan and that is who he wants to win? Or do I go with the co-worker who is on the Cardinals side because he lived in Arizona in the past? Ugh. Don't get me wrong... I enjoy watching the game (especially in High Def on a big screen TV with pizza, beer, buffalo wings, 7-Layer dip.... okay, I am getting ahead of myself now). I like the excitement of the "big game" and of course the entertaining commercials and half-time show. Bring on "The Boss"!

Back to the "who to cheer for" question. My belief is you should be a fan of the team where you actually live and not just become a fan for whichever team is playing in the Superbowl. For example, I was a Vikings fan when I lived in MN even when they were not winning (which was most of the time). Oops- that does not work because I am neither a 49ers nor a Raiders fan. The one time I went to a Raider game in Oakland, I thought I may be killed before the 3rd quarter. Frightening fans. Really. Trust me on this one.

Ok- how about the girly-girl way to go and cheer by colors of the uniforms. I even overhead a discussion while getting my hair cut the other day about the mascots. We obviously have a bird (cardinal) and according to the person whom I was eaves drooping on, the other mascot is a "thief" (get it- "stealer". Oh boy...) Ha! Reminds me of the movie "Steel Magnolias" when Olympia Dukakis's character was interviewing football players on the radio and she thought "color commentary" was about the uniform colors. Well... if I went that route, I may never get another date as long as I live.

So, final decision: I'm gonna go with whomever Dad says. Bruce Springsteen may the half-time show, but Dad is "The Boss" in my book.
Kick off will happen soon. Enjoy the game.
Are you ready for some football???