Monday, March 31, 2014


Well, I have been neglecting my blog again. My excuse is a busy month of March. Plus I was crabby much of the time which would have made for some poor posts. Oh well.

However, I did get to travel to Southwest Florida, Naples to be exact, for 8 days and had to work half of those days. Cannot complain about working from the beach.  Aside from work, enjoyed sleeping in, going to the beach and drinking yummy cocktails. Weather was perfect- 80 degrees & sunny- every day. Thanks to Mom & Dad. xoxo

Let's see what else is worth sharing from March....
Academy Awards fun... Loved the Dallas Buyers Club wins. Loved a few dresses. Kate Hudson was amazing.
A weekend in Park City. Always great.
A work week on So Cal.
That about does it.

Now, personally, I would just prefer to fast forward to May 3. Don't ask ; just wish it. Oh, aside from a weekend in Reno & to Disney for my birthday. Thanks to the Anderson's & my brother. There are always things to which I can look forward to. Fun stuff. But, still, just need May to be here.

Happy early April Fools Day. Happy early Easter. Hoping for a lack of April showers...